Las siguientes piezas son una parte de todo el rebrand de TCM, mostrando sólo aquellas que me tocaron realizar. Mi rol fue como 3D (animación/materiales/luz), diseñador, animador 2D, storyboards, compo final.
The following work is a partial selection from all the pieces that makes the full TCM rebrand package, showing only the ones that I was asked to do. My role was as 3D (animation/materials/lighting), designer, 2D animator, storyboards and final compositing.
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The concept for this ID was to do discover the new channel's logo as it's multiple layer were uncovered sequentially by a wind alike movement.
Performed by Turner InJaus for Argentina
Creative Director: Diego Fernandez
Art Director: Paulo Santonocito
3D, Design, Animation and Compositing: Pablo Kerlleñevich
Creative Director: Diego Fernandez
Art Director: Paulo Santonocito
3D, Design, Animation and Compositing: Pablo Kerlleñevich

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- TCM ID 2 -
The following is a storyboard I drawn for an TCM ID. The idea is to show a series of flying arrows, representing the multiple brand's content, coming out of an exploding box, and forming the logo out of their smoke alike trail.

TCM Complete Package Credits
Performed by Turner InJaus for Argentina
Creative Director: Diego Fernandez
Art Director: Paulo Santonocito
Isologo and color design: Eugenia Anselmo
Design: Gonzalo Menevichian
3D, Design, Animation and Compositing: Alexis Varga & Pablo Kerlleñevich
Performed by Turner InJaus for Argentina
Creative Director: Diego Fernandez
Art Director: Paulo Santonocito
Isologo and color design: Eugenia Anselmo
Design: Gonzalo Menevichian
3D, Design, Animation and Compositing: Alexis Varga & Pablo Kerlleñevich
- T H A N K S F O R W A T C H I N G ! -